Thursday 11 December 2014

PRACTICAL 4 : Particle size And Shape Analysis Using Microscope

Particle size And Shape Analysis Using Microscope

17 November 2014

  1. To analyse the general size and shape of particle under the light microscope.

   2.  To describe the distribution particle size and shape


                The dimensions of particulate solids are important in achieving optimum production of efficacious medicines. When drug is synthesised and formulated, the particle size of drug and other powder is determined and this influences the subsequent physical performance of the medicine and the pharmacological of the drug. The particles which having small dimensions will tend to increase the rate of solution.
                 In order to obtain equivalent diameters with which to analyse and interpret the particle size of powder, it is necessary to carry out a size analysis using different methods. One of the method for particle analysis is using microscope.In this experiment.different type of sand and powders (MCC and lactose) is given to be observed microscopically and analysed such as the size and shape.


Light microscope
Glass slide
Weighing boat

- Five (5) different samples of sand  (850 mic, 500 mic, 355 mic, 150 mic and sand with various size) and powders (MCC and lactose).


1. Microscope was set up.

2. 5 different types samples of sand were analysed by using microscope, by observing the size and shape of given particle.

3. The sample was put on the slide and was examined under microscope with  magnification of 4x10.

4.The shape and size of particles were sketched and analysed.

150 Mic 
Magnification 4x10
 355 Mic
Magnification 4x10
 500 Mic
Magnification 4X10
 850 Mic
Magnification 4X10
Magnification 4X10
Magnification 4X10

Sand with various size
Magnification 4X10

1.Explain in brief the various statistical method that you can use to measure the diameter of a particle.

              There are some of the methods that can be use to determine the diameter of particle. One of the methods is projected area diameter which is measured based on the equivalent area to that of projected image of that particle. Projected area is two-dimensional area measurement of a three-dimensional object by projecting its shape on to an arbitrary plane. Another method is the projected perimeter diameter which is based on the circle having the same perimeter as the particle. Both of these methods are independent upon particle orientation. They only take into account of 2 dimensions of the particle, thus inaccurate for unsymmetrical particle.

               Feret’s and Martin’s diameter that considering the orientation and the shape of the particle are another methods to measure the diameter of certain particle. Feret’s diameter is the mean distance between two parallel tangents to the projected particle perimeter while Martin’s diameter is the mean chord length of the projected particle perimeter, which can be considered as the boundary separating equal particle area.

2.State the best statistical method for each of the samples that you have analysed.
The best statistical method is by using Feret’s and Martin’s diameter.

Each particles have been analysed and their structural have been observed.The general shape for each particles are very different from each other especially MCC  and lactose shape which are very small compared to the others.The total particles observed in the area are also vary with smaller particles are seen abundant in an area while the larger one are little.In sand with various size,the particles observed contain small and medium to big molecule.

Mcc and lactose have smaller particle due to the physical of the component in fine powder.Mcc shape was smooth and different lactose which is a dot-like shape. While the rest can be observed with larger particles according to their size.


2.Michael E.Aulton, 2007, Aulton's Pharmaceutics The Design And Manufacture Of    Medicines, Third Edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier (page 122-134)


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